Alphabetical Catching Challenge

You must catch a mouse for every letter of the alphabet – in order.


In this challenge, you'll be catching at least 26 mice across the Kingdown, one for each letter of the alphabet! Even though it is a race, if you can finish the challenge, you'll win a prize.

First, catch a mouse whose name begins with the letter A, then B, and continue on until Z.


  • 250 SUPER|brie+ to the first person to complete a full streak.
  • 100 SUPER|brie+ to the next 10 participants who complete a full streak.
  • 10 SUPER|brie+ to all participants, regardless of completion. (Limited to the first 100 participants)

How to play

  1. First, sign up for the challenge. This will help us track your progress.
  2. Catch a mouse whose name begins with the letter A, such as an Archer Mouse.
  3. Catch a mouse whose name begins with the letter B, such as a Bionic Mouse.
  4. After 5 catches (or sooner if the catches will disappear off the first page of your journal)
  5. Continue catching mice and posting screenshots until you have caught a mouse for each letter of the alphabet.

Catching mice

You can hunt in any location you want, using any bait or trap. Most letters have a large variety of mice to choose from, so try to plan out the next couple of letters you need to catch. MHCT can help you look up attraction rates for mice to figure out what's easiest.

Pausing your streak

It will take at least 26 hunts to finish your streak, so you probably will hit a point where you need to sleep or take a break and don't want to lose your progress. Simply travel to Meadow and hunt there. All hunts there will be excluded from the challenge. Feel free to hunt in Meadow as much as you want, there is no penalty for doing so.

Tracking your progress

The progress tracker will keep track of your current streak. The progress tracker will automatically update every 30 minutes.


  • For the letter X, you must catch an extra C mouse that you didn't use.
  • Failure to catch or failure to attract will not break your current streak.
  • Catching any mouse that does not start with the correct letter ends your streak.
  • You must go in alphabetical order and you can't skip letters.
  • Any hunts in Meadow will be excluded from the challenge.